Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Past Few Weeks

Things have been so busy recently, I'm so sorry for not keeping up with my blog too well...but this is what I've been up to!!

After my long weekend in Ireland Dad came for a fun visit in London! We both got in on Friday night and had a nice dinner at the hotel and were so tired we just called it a night and got a good nights sleep. Then in the morning we took the train into the central London and started our morning off with Piccadilly Circus and some breakfast and then headed over to the changing of the guard.

We spent the rest of the day seeing all the sights like the British Museum, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben & Parliament, Harrods and just enjoying the city. We had a nice dinner of classic fish and chips and after our fun day of walking all over London we went back for a relaxing night at the hotel.

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