Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Beatiful Scotland

This past weekend (sorry for the delay) I spent in the beautiful city of Edinburgh in Scotland. I took a train and got in on Thursday night. We checked into our very cool hostel and then after some free sandwiches we went hit the streets in search of scotland nightlife. We ended up at a small intimate jazz club where a man who looked exactly like Jimi Hendrix played the electric guitar, accopanied by some skilled trumpeting and saxophone. Very interesting first night to say the least. The next morning me and some friends walked down the Royal Mile and climbed up Aurthur's Seat, which is a very beautiful extinct volcano. From the top it was very windy but had beautiful views of the city.

Later that afternoon I visited the Castle and saw the Scottish crown jewels along with the ancient stone of destiny! Then for dinner me and some friends treated ourselves to some traditional scottish food and had some haggis, which is sheep intestine. It actually was quite delicious! Then we all walked around and went into some of the local pubs which was quite fun as well.

the castle from my window at the hostel!

On Saturday we slept in a little bit and then walked around some more, just seeing the city. I went to the Scottish Parliament which was really interesting and in a new modern design. I got a really good feel for the city and saw a lot about an apparently famous forsyth clan!

forsyth's close

On Sunday we had to check out of the hostel by 10:30am but since our train didn't leave until 5:30pm they let us keep our luggage there all day so we wouldn't have to take it everywhere with us. We spent a few hours in the National Gallery looking at their rather extensive art collection which even some Monet's and Edward Degas. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and enjoying our last few hours in Scotland. All in all a very fun trip and a very beautiful country.

cafe where Harry Potter was started

my bed at the hostel


me on some scottish rocks

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