Monday, January 11, 2010

First Impressions

I finally made it ! After a few hours of delays I safely arrived to London Heathrow tired, but with no missing luggage thank goodness. There was plenty of snow on the ground when we got here on Friday and it has continued snowing everyday, lending to a very beautiful english countryside. I live in the actual manor house in the blue corridor with 2 other roomates. Our room is spacious, but rather drafty especially at night. The food is somewhat blandas expected, which is perfectly alright with me! Lots of soups and potatoes have been on the menu so far with some rather good biscuits for desert :) They also conveniently have a free hot chocolate and coffee/espresso machine in the Rectory where we eat.
Classes started today with a 8:30am sharp lecture for the entire school, followed by my british studies seminar and then my U.S. foreign policy course. Then I have a nice 3 hour long break for lunch and lounging/napping and my philosophy of ethics course at 4pm. I have signed up to be on the social committee and am considering running for office in the upcoming student government elections. All in all everything is going rather wonderfully and I love it! I shall be heading to London this Friday for the weekend with the school so there are lots of fun plans to be made.

side view of the manor, including my window

some of the front of the manor

western girls at the high table dinner

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